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Feel you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Mediation can help you to have constructive conversations that let the light flood in

What is mediation?

Mediation is a process where a neutral and impartial person helps people to have a constructive conversation to try and solve a dispute. The mediator is chosen by agreement between the participants in the dispute.

The mediation is confidential and without prejudice – which means that the participants can speak freely and what they say cannot be repeated or used against them.

What happens at a mediation?

Every mediation is different, and the process is adapted to the needs of the participants. Generally, the mediator will use a mixture of group and private sessions to help the participant explore the dispute and possible solutions. The mediator does not suggest solutions or give advice, but does ask questions to help people consider the issues from different angles.

What are the benefits of mediation?

Mediation is a flexible process, and the participants are free to solve the issue in their own way, which can result in a win-win solution. By contrast, if the dispute goes to court a judge will decide and the solution will ultimately mean that one side will win and the other side will lose. As well as the possibility of a win-win solution, mediation is quicker than going to court and can cost much less than a lengthy court battle.